Top "What the" moments #2

1. Flies on the food
At the grocery, the onions and potatoes are swarming with flies. Nobody bats an eye. I really want to buy ciertos cebollas y papas para cocinar some onions and potatoes to cook, but I cannot bring myself to do so. It's just disgusting on a level I can't overcome. 

2. Shoving people on bus
Me toca a mi, te toca a ti Mmy turn, your turn doesn't exist on the bus. I was waiting for a seat for a good 10 minutes- everybody saw me standing by the seats. As the women got up to leave the bus, i moved out of the way to let her buy, and as I stepped away, some other women jumped into the seat, obviously jumping in front of me. This happened twice! Really?

3. Un espectaculo gratis
 There was a free show on the train to Tigre was quite interesting. There was a family in the seats across the aisle from us. The toddler (around 18 months to two years) was sitting on mommy's lap. He was eating this chocolate and had it all over his face. After finishing that, he decided he was still hungry, and grabbed mommy's boob out of her tank top. Mommy let her boob just hang on out as his mouth found it. No nursing blanket, nothing. This happened two to three times over the course of the train ride. This was one of the most horrifying moments of my life. 

4. Los ojos malvados
There is something women give us, and it is the evil eyes. In restaurants especially, they will give us this deathly glare for generally no reason. We know when we deserve the eyes, but often they are unwarranted (ie we haven't been annoying Americans).

-Niceto Club 69 on Thursday
-Planning a trip for Carnival
-Finding out we are going to Mendoza for our Media Excursion
-Tigre on Saturday for the beach (post coming)
-Checking out a cheap bar 10 blocks away
-San Telmo Fair (post coming)


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