Ten cuidado

Ten cuidado- be careful. Not only have several people (okay, older men) stopped us on the street to tell us this, but it refers to crossing the streets. The drivers here are insane.

I also wanted to yell it to our driver when we went on our city tour. I was scared for my life 3 times, when we were sharing a lane with another car. I was sitting by the window, totally tense and terrified.

Sharing lanes? NBD in Buenos Aires
But, the horrifying moments were okay after seeing some amazing city sites.

We stopped at Plaza de Mayo, which is right near where I will be working. Off of the Plaza is the president's office Casa Rosada and the National Cathedral La Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos 
La Plaza de Mayo

La Casa Rosada...used to be BRIGHT pink, but it's faded

Edge of Plaza de Mayo...don't you wish all buildings in the US looked like this?
The outside of the Catedral

La Catedral would have been much more impressive if I was Catholic, but I am Protesante. However, it was still beautiful.

La Catedral
We then headed over to La Boca, a neighborhood on the southern edge of downtown. If you google Buenos Aires, picture from this adorable neighborhood come up. 

The houses are all painted bright colors, and there are plenty of cute touristy trap places.
A street fair and tourist restaurants, and plenty of Tango dancers
We then had some orientation, lunch, and cell phone shopping with our Program Director Carolina. After, we walked down Avenida de Mayo to Cafe Tortoni, the oldest cafe in Buenos Aires and one of the first cafes in the world. It was absolutely adorable. 

Inside. All the waiters are dressed up.

The line to get in.
We then went on the subway, which is probably the most important place to ten cuidado
Even though everyone is so scared for us, I don't think we'll have any problem mastering Buenos Aires. 

-City Tour
-Orientation Meeting (finally kind of know what's going on while we are here)
-First bus and subway rides
-Trip to Coto, a giant grocery
-Buying good Malbec for ONLY 6 US dollars
-Finding a great, cheap ice cream place - Moratto


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