El mundo de carne

140 pounds a year

La vaca es el animal mas importante en Argentina. The cow is the most important animal in Argentina.

Per person.

Los ciudadanos comen 50 percento mas tan los estadunidenses. The citizens eat 50 percent more than Americans.

Mis pensamientos? Traigame el bife. My thoughts? Bring me the beef.

Thursday night we went to La Cabrera, a parrilla steakhouse in Palermo Soho. It's been written up in the New York Times, and is supposed to be one of the city's best.

We arrived and waited about 30 minutes. We sat down to a basket full of bread and some dipping sauces and started scouring the menu.

We started with a bottle of Malbec (15 US $) and some water (5 US $- yes water costs). We finally decided on Skirt and Flank (sharing is the way to go at parrillas).

And thank the lord we did. Because HOLY CRAP it was a lot of meat. Three cuts of skirt steak and like a brick and a half of flank. Plus, the sides (all included), like hearts of palm, salad, corn, potatoes, applesauce, chimichurri, and more.

The plank is all the sides

The steak was extremely juicy, perfectly done, and much more buttery than in the United States. I think I can say we ate well, at least a pound of steak EACH.

But of course we saved room for dessert, for some delicious Bananas Flambe. The meal finished out with a complimentary sucker tree.

Per person with tip? Twenty-nine U.S. dollars. A good steak in the US is at least that much!

Some of the best beef in the world. 

Necesito comer mas. I need to eat more.


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