Top "what the" moments

After one week in Argentina, we are getting over "culture shock." Here is a list of the top moments that caused us to laugh, raise our eyebrows, or walk fast away.

1. Digging for gold
Apparently picking your nose in public in Argentina is socially acceptable. We keep seeing really attractive Argentinians with their finger up their nose. They even do the "roll-flick" in public. No matter what, I will always burst out laughing at them.

2. Los Huevos y La Leche
The eggs at the supermarket are NOT refrigerated. Some of the milk is, some of it isn't. Apparently the milk not refrigerated comes from powder; they sell a ton of powdered milk here. So if you want the real stuff, go to refrigerated section and pay twice the price.

3. Weird Cat Women
Walking to dinner the other night, we saw a presumably normal looking women with a doctors mask on, talking to a cat through a fence. There is a large number of stray cats here, but talking to one definitely takes the cake.

4. Saca la fotographia
The sidewalks at night is when the crazy people come out.  Walking down the main Santa Fe stretch in a nice area of the city, we first got cat-called (not terribly unusual) but then the men took a picture of us. What, have you never seen Americans before?

5. Los colectivos
The buses here don't go slowly down the street, they race (maybe because there are no speed limits as far as we can tell). In the U.S. the bus always seems to take FOREVER. If you step out in front of a bus here, there is no way you will survive.

6. Dead homeless man
It's controversial whether he was actually dead or not...but the EMT with the ambulance was hitting him and opening his eyelids. This was outside of our school building on the sidewalk. When we came out after class, he was gone. Given the fact it was about 95 degrees that day, I'm guessing heat exhaustion or death (note: we have possibly seen two other dead homeless people too).

7. Fuego
Riding in a taxi one night on the way home from dinner, we noticed a little bonfire on the sidewalk. It looked like a paper bag had been set on fire, but it was flaming pretty strongly. There was nobody around it; it was just hanging out by itself at 1 am.

8. Taxi
If the bus drivers are crazy, imagine the taxis. Riding in the front seat is like being in the Fast and the Furious. The best part? When our taxi driver turned down a one-way street the incorrect way (there are many poorly labeled one-ways). If that doesn't make you fear your life, nothing will. 

I'm sure there will be more "what the" moments as the trip continues, it's all apart of adjusting to a new culture and being immersed in a totally different lifestyle.

-Lunch at I Fresh Market in Puerto Madero
View of Puerto Madero
-Reunion con Carolina sobre mi pasantia Meeting with Carolina about my internship
-Buenos Aires Pub Crawl on Friday (best 100 pesos spent here so far)
Crobar, the club where the Pub Crawl ended
Our group at the beginning of the night
-El Cuartito (famous pizza place)
-Finding out Netflix has a way better selection here than in the U.S. due to licensing laws


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