Free day with the class

Four our free day, my class decided to have a tour of downtown with commentary by our teacher, Gabrial. We started at Teatro Nacional. Check out the wicked trees. 

Inside are a lot of statues, This is the only one native to Costa Rica. 

This place was once for high class people, hence the ornate architecture. 

Jake by the cow he tried to climb on, until we started yelling "no!" oops. 

The first McDonalds in Costa Rica. They were really big, with several counters and different sitting areas. 

The "kiosko" near the middle of town. 

Inside the national church. Catholic, of course. 

So pretty. Like 20 of these in the church. 

Outside the church. 

Lunch= delicious. This was Jakes. I had amazing ceviche. The drink was intense too. 

They even had rice and beans at MacDonalds!

A coffee bean plant we spotted on the way back to school. 

I had 37 hours of class in total, for 3 Mizzou credits. After class, we chilled for a bit (at the crepe place again, haha), and then I headed home to hang with my homestay sister. I went to bed early to prepare for the 5:15 wakeup call for the beach!


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