Day Two: Zapote

Woke up bright and early and took the bus to school. I had three hours of class (with a short break), lunch, and then two more hours. It goes quickly, but my brain is mush by the end. I don't think I've spoken in Spanish for two hours solidly EVER. Below is a picture of an empanada with cheese I had for breakfast:

For lunch, we went to a soda. Lunch was good- more beans and rice, and some chicken. Of course, no agua except in bottles. I drink about six glasses at school, because they have unlimited by the glass. And coffee (which is amazing here!)

We then went into a supermarket and looked around. Below is yuca- a potato like food- and plantains, the Costa Rican obsession. 

We happened to catch the last bit of the national bike race of Costa Rica, similar to the Tour de France!

After class, the school offered a cooking class. We made a dish that is very common- we fried plantains, and then put refried black beans and cour cream on them. Basically, was a like a very greasy chip. 

In December are the festivals of San Jose, happening in the nieghborhood of Zapote. Wednesday night we made our way to the neighborhood.

Its a huge carnival with tons of food, drink, and craziness.

There is a Bull Fight too! Unfortunately I didn't get to go, as the tickets are about $20 and very difficult to get, unless you have a lot of free time on your hands.

Checked out the band. It was decent- reggae music is really big, and most bands play it. However, American music is popular too.

This was an attraction- a wolf woman! We stared at this for a good 10 minutes in a mix of horrified awe. It was an actual circus freak show! We however, didn't go inside the tent- the drawings scared us enough.

All of the rides looked like they were held together with gum and paper clips, so me and few people decided to stick with some safe looking bumber cars. I forgot how fun they are!

We returned home not too late, but still tired. Sorry for the slow update of the blog, the internet is spotty and my computer died really quickly. Should be more to come from this weekend in the rainforest! 


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