Tortuguero Part One

Last Friday, we went to Tortuguero in the Rainforest. It was a 6 hour treak (with stops). But, we got to see some beautiful sights on the way there. Below is packing up the bus, bright and early at 6:20!

Below is of a pretty area in San Jose! Yes, it exists!

As we drove out of San Jose, the views were amazing. 

We then entered the cloud forest in the mountains just outside of San Jose. The windows immediately fogged, and it started sprinkling. It reminded me of the clouds that sometimes envelope my house on Larch Mt. back home. 

We stopped for breakfast, and mine was awesome. The bananas with sugar and butter were fantastic. Bananas are better here, they almost have a vanilla aftertaste to them them. Delish!

Outside the breakfast spot was some beautiful flora and fauna. We also saw our first animal- a sloth! One of the boys from UMSL said "I tried to take a picture of the sloth, but he was moving too fast." Though ironic, there was truth in it. That sloth was not being very sloth-like. 

We drove by a banana plantation. The bags on the trees are to insulate the plants. There were field upon fields of trees. 

We then excited the bus and proceeded to get on the boat. Tortuguero is not accesible by car, so an hour coat ride was necessary. I am not exaggerating when I say that this boat ride was eerily similar to the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland. Since it's one of my fav rides, I was pumped. 

Upon arrving at the hotel, I was handed a fruit smoothie with fresh pineapple! Aww, I was living the life. But, considering the fact it started pouring, that kind of ruined the mood. 

We shoveled some food in and then took a quick cat nap before going to the Village of Tortuguero. Its only a short boat ride. Upon arrival, I was immediately attacked by bugs. Yipee. Below is the beach. The sand is black because its volcanic.

Noticed the dark sky? Right after started immense rainfall. I stayed fairly dry in my poncho, but still. My feet were getting too pruny. However, the fact that thousands of turtles come to the beach to lay their eggs was cool. That happens doesn't happen in January, unfortunately. 

We then walked up and down the little village. Below is the adorable church. I had been feeling under the weather all of Thursday and was still feeling sick. I think I must of eaten something bad. So, mis amigas y yo got some smoothies, hoping the papaya would help my stomach (it did). 

Our director also bought me Pipa before we left the village. It is the water of coconut, with or without rum added. It's supposed to be a cure-all, which was why our director bought it for me. After drinking it I felt a lot better. And since, I haven't had the same symptoms. Maybe I should forget airborne and started getting pipa shipped to Chi Omega!

After returning to the hotel, we relaxed until dinner. It was New Years (how exciting), and quickly after began our festivities (which will continue in Part Two)!


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