Quema los colectivos

Last Wednesday, I proclaimed my hatred for the bus system in Buenos Aires and for the Guia-T the bus guide.

On our (Ray, Ashley, and myself) first day at our internship, we caught the 39, just like our bus guide said. It was supposed to drop us one block from our internship on Uriarte in Palermo. After riding for a bit, I noticed we weren't going the direction we were supposed to.

We kept waiting for it to turn. But it never did. It turned about 10 blocks too late, and then turned again, but away from Uriarte. By the time we realized it wasn't going to go east, we got off and realized we had to walk around 11 blocks. In 85 degree heat. I ended up with 5 blisters and we had a nice layer of sweat by the time we arrived.

My internship assignments have switched around a bit, so I am starting at Con 24 InfoNews, a 24 hour news site. I'll be editing videos and writing for the website. It's in a great area of Buenos Aires, and it was a nice first day. Everyone is very friendly, helpful, and very casually dressed. They have a water cooler, so I was quite happy (since water isn't complimentary ever).

We grabbed a quick bite after the office (delicious tacos), and then determined what bus to take home. We headed a few blocks up to Juan B. Justo to catch the 108...which is where we thought it would be, according to the Guia T. However, we never found a stop. So, we walked another 12ish blocks to Santa Fe, to find a bus stop. It was 95 degrees at this point, and absolutely muggy. My heels started to bleed and I was unbearably hot, carrying my laptop and looking totally haggard.

We started at the blue pin, and walked down to Uriarte and hung a left. After getting lunch, we started on Gorriti and turned on Juan B Justo, ending on Santa Fe.

This is when I exclaimed "Quiero quemar el Guia-T y los colectivos I want to burn the Guia-T and the buses!" I was literally burning, so I thought it was only fair.

Lesson: Apparently the buses have different lines. There are five different lines of the 39, and we got on the incorrect one (we are supposed to get on line 3). How we went two and a half weeks without anybody mentioning this to us, I am not sure.

-Legit tacos at the best Mexican place in Buenos Aires
-First successful week at internships and class
-Going to El Living, a cool cheap bar nearby


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