Como las turistas

Classes and internships started in full force this week, so Monday and Tuesday were our last free days.

Commence being a tourist.

However, the weather wasn't cooperating. It's been unseasonably stormy. So instead of hitting up the gardens on Monday, we went to La Casa Rosada, la oficina de la Presidenta the office of the President.

Great PR photos for the President, Cristina Fernandez

The group minus Ashley
We then went down Calle Florida, the place for shopping. It was insane how many stores there were, and how inflated the American products were. A four palette eyeshadow from Mac? Eighty US dollars, when it's normally $30 to $40.

End of Calle Florida with Christmas decorations still up

Katie and I hit up Plaza San Martin, a park/square in Retiro.

Katie and I next to one of the cool trees

The plaza

San Martin statue

We then stopped for a quick tarta caprese lunch. Tartas son muy rica tartas are very very delicious, and I would compare them to a quiche-pie, minus the egg.

Tuesday was even worst weather. So it was a musuem day. We first visited la Foralis Generica in Recoleta. The flower opens and closes when the sun sets and rises.

We then went to El Museo de Las Bellas Artes. It's a free art museum, having quite a few Argintinean works, but also Monet, Degas, and Renoir (me encantan los artistas de Frances I love French artists).

We also discovered that we can rent bikes for free, so that's next on our tourist list.

-Getting fingerprinted for your background check
-Eating the best medialuna so far


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