Aire puro: Alta Gracia

I love city life: la energia, las luces, los ruidos, y la personalidad en los edificios energy, the lights, the noises, and the personality in the buildings.

But I grew-up on five acres. I climbed trees and rolled in the grass.

So Cordoba was an absolutely necessary trip. A nine hour bus ride from Buenos Aires, the second biggest city is nestled into the Sierra Mountains. From the city, it's an easy trip to hiking, skydiving, mountain biking, and more.

We arrived at Baluch Backpackers Hostel early, after our bus got in an hour early. We got some rest and then decided to figure out our three days. We decided on going to Alta Gracia Saturday, going trekking in the Condoritos National Park Sunday, and then going to Villa General Belgrano/La Cumbrecita Monday for some German town time and waterfalls.

We grabbed some breakfast, and managed to see some fellow hostelers in their boxer briefs...Ashley and I have mastered the eye darting quite well. After that awkward moment, we caught the bus to Alta Gracia.

Immediately departing, it was clear we were in the countryside where rich people live, and then commute. The houses were massive. And we were headed to a special house indeed: Che Guevera. He grew up quite well off, despite his political thoughts.

His house was quite cute....but with the gringo rate, cost 75 pesos (nearly 20 USD) to enter. We sadly passed and instead walked around enjoying the fresh air and the cheap prices (thank you exchange rate). We also saw a Jesuit Estancia. There are several Jesuit Estancias around the Cordoba province. The Estancias founded the province, and while the Jesuits made wine and had small farms.

View of the hills

Main Clocktower

Corner of Estancia

Inside the Estancia, in the garden area

We caught a bus back and hung out with fellow hostelers at night. We met more Israelis (it's very popular for them to travel over here), a couple on a year-long adventure, and some Californians. We swapped stories, advice, and enjoyed some Malbec.

This was at a restaurant we ate at...YES Ravioles Fritos is Fried Ravioli
As we slept, we had little idea of what was brewing above us.


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