Los Padres: El media ambiente y fútbol

Well, hello parents!

My family landed Thursday morning, and our activities started on Friday. As grand master planner and main Spanish speaker, I was in charge of navigating, translating, and relaying the funny moments (my mother laughs, looks at me, and then asks what was funny).

La Reserva Ecologia is an oasis on the edge of the city, next to Puerto Madero. We rented some bikes and navigated the busy calles streets to the protected area.

View of Reserva from parrillas de la calle street parrillas in Puerto Madero
 The area was full of beautiful birds, annoying bugs, and had a cool breeze off of the Rio de La Plata. We got to ride along the ugly red river, and I told my parents the significance of the river en la historia de Buenos Aires the history of Buenos Aires. This includes the shipping port and the dumping of the bodies during the military regime.

Mom and Dad at Milión, famous bar
Mom and I at dinner along Puerto Madero
 On Saturday, my mother and I had tea at Las Violetas, a famous European restaurant that has a spectacular tea service. We stuffed ourselves with pastries and sandwiches while enjoying the beautiful architecture.

That night, we all went to a fútbol game. It was quite interesting to see how the fans all come, so energized and constantly sheering.

It's actually dangerous for the away fans, so they are in an area surrounded by a barbed wire fence. Talk about intense.

Away fans
 After a boring first half, the second half included two goals from the home team, Independiente. It was so exciting to cheer with the porteños.

My mother and I were among the few women there. The crowd was mostly men, and there wet hardly any tourists. We got lots of looks and I was again was translator for the family.

Family at fútbol game
Flag unfurling FAIL
 It was a long day, but a fantastic culture experience. My parents really enjoyed it, and even Wyatt thought it was fun (it's hard to please a 16 year-old).


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