
Showing posts from 2010

Arriving and Day One!

Wow, okay sorry I have not been able to connect to the internet until today! We arrived in Costa Rica just around 3:45 on Monday, very tired but ready. Below is the view from the airport. We made our way through customs and then hopped on a bus to grab a snack before arriving at our homestays. We ate at the "Rosti Pollo." I had fried yuca (basically french fries), refried Black beans, fried platanos, and delicious guacomole! I was really hungry (of course) and enjoyed the appetizer Jacquelyn (the professor from Mizzou and our leader) ordered for us. After hours of traffic, I finally was dropped at my homestay. I have a very small, but very comfortable room. And the house has wifi. I have my own bathroom and shower (lukewarm water) and have found it to be quite comfortable. My Mama Tica is Yinette, and she is great. She cooks me breakfast and dinner. She is dating some famous guy from Uruguay, and therefore has quite the social life! She has told me a lot about Co


To get on the airplane and fly to Costa Rica! Well, first its off to Houston, where I will meet the rest of my pack (there are about twenty of us in total). They have just started boarding and and I am glad! I am so tired. Winter break has consisted of me going to bed before 11. It is definitely past my bedtime. I hope to update my blog every few days at least, depending on the availability of internet. I will try and post pictures, and keep everybody as updated as possible. I will arrive in San Jose around 3:00 pm tomorrow and couldn't be more excited. I am so ready to put my Spanish to practice!